Follow the Leader: Ahead, Beside and Behind

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Follow the Leader: Ahead, Beside and Behind

Post by jcross »

The patience and kindness of God comes to us His nahal, nakhuh and nahag. He knows what we need. What kind of God’s leadership do I need? I need it all! Always.

I need to have a clear sense of seeing Him as in control, up ahead and on the move. I long to follow behind Him in obedience, according to His plan and along His righteous paths.

I need to have the assurance of God beside, speaking tender words of encouragement and affirmation so I don’t give up when I am tired or discouraged.

I need to feel the push of His hand and staff, when I am fearful and need to be moved out of my strength beyond my comfort zone. This fear can paralyze and immobilize me. It can numb my ears to His voice and take away my sense of direction.

To see, to hear, to feel, are senses that as His sheep I need to have re-awakened in my life. To see Him up ahead; to hear His voice beside and to feel His push from behind.

St. Patrick's breastplate prayer is my call to the Lord:

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise,

My Lord and Leader.
Jody Cross
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