Following the model Shepherd

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Following the model Shepherd

Post by sam »

In keeping with the theme of the exodus of God’s people – in both the first and the second exodus, Laniak sheds light on the person and ministry of the Messiah – The Lord Jesus Christ – the true Shepherd, as presented by Mark in his Gospel. It was illuminating to see the disciple demonstrate Jesus – as the king who is the serving and suffering shepherd that is seen in the messianic traditions. He shows Jesus seeing the crowd of people in Mk. 6 and having compassion on them because they were like “sheep without a shepherd�. We see them in a desolate place (wilderness) and Jesus has compassion on them and feeds them just as God fed the Israelites in the wilderness. Jesus not only feeds them physical bread but also teaches them so they can be sustained by the word of God (Deut. 8:3). Laniak shows how Mark alludes the shepherding ministry of Jesus to exodus traditions of people sitting in groups of hundreds and fifties on the green grass! Jesus is the true shepherd that feeds his flock. Jesus the true shepherd also calls the disciples to ‘rest’ in the same chapter. Laniak also sheds light on the disciples’ understanding of the identity of the suffering shepherd who calls them to ‘follow’ him, are ‘scattered’ themselves and then are ’led’ back again in Galilee. Jesus calls his disciples – the deputy shepherds, as leaders of the flock to follow the “Lamb of God� to his death. Pastoral leadership and shepherding is one of following Jesus – the model Shepherd in feeding the flock, providing them rest in the promises of God’s word while sacrificing our own selves as deputies of the Lord – the model Shepherd.

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