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Post by sutz »

'Shepherds sometimes stand at a distance to see the "big picture."'

As a 'big picture' person, I find that I do this kind of thing all the time, usually viewing the flock as a whole rather than as individuals. The problem with this is the tendency to miss the concerns of individuals. And when I think of the leadership missteps I've made over the years, it is probably because of this, misreading the effect of the proposed change or venture on people as individuals. Laniak writes, "As leaders we also need to think more carefully about the impact of change. Like a baheth, we need to scout out a new area and carefully prepare our flocks for a major transition." I didn't always do that. I think I went with an instinctual response based on my knowledge of people, and then thought we could work it out as we went along. Sometimes this worked and sometimes it didn't. This was an area of watchfulness in which I needed more challenge and/or support from others.

I am struck too by the story of the elder who wanted to spend more time with the people - I would have like a few more elders like that over the years!
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