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Post by mferrini »

When our children were young we were somehow introduced to the picture books of Lauren Child, and we came to love the interactions of siblings Charlie and Lola. One particular story (I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed) has become fresh in my mind. The brilliantly illustrated narrative records the attempts of big brother Charlie to get little sister to go to bed. But many things get in the way of her sleep – tigers needing strawberry milk, a lion brushing its teeth, a whale in the tub, and a hippo in the bed. Sadly, I understand the feelings of little Lola and the unwillingness of succumbing to slumber.
My children have been a mixed bag of resistance to rest. Our oldest, perhaps from a pattern inherited from his mother, typically went to bed when he was tired, often early. Our other children, perhaps from a pattern inherited from their father, were ingenious in drawing out their bedtime routines; even at age 16, our youngest will spend an inordinate amount of time in the bathroom trying to avoid going to bed. If there is one thing that frustrates my wife, it is that her husband falls asleep on the couch nightly (and then denies it), indignantly declaring that he is “a grown man who is allowed to stay up as late as he wishes”.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. Psalm 23:2-3a
The truth is that we, as human beings, do not like to lie down of our own volition. The good news is that God makes us lie down. He knows what we need. He knows how we think. He knows our weaknesses. He knows we all have a fear of missing out on whatever may come in the wee hours of the morning. He knows we all want to stand watch over those we love in the darkness. He knows we all want to conquer our human frailties. He knows we will not surrender ourselves to the slumber we need. So he makes us lie down.
He will not let your foot slip – he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Psalm 121:3-4
Sleep demonstrates faith. Sleep expresses trust. We do not need to stay up, for the God of the universe will keep the night watch. We need to rest and to settle our souls, so that He might restore our souls. Every time we place our heads on our pillows, we confess our incapacity to do it all, know it all, or fix it all. We declare that God alone is capable of doing it all, et cetera. He is the Good Shepherd who perfectly cares for His sheep. We would be wise to cease acting like a child, dragging out our evening routines and doubting that our lives are safe in God.
Next time you doze off on the couch or close your eyes for just a moment, let it serve as a reminder that He makes us lie down and He will keep watch as only He can.
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