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Post by fporter1 »

Pg 123 " the instinct to avoid confrontation is understandable, especially in the darkness of a desert night. However, the results of self-protective passivity are catastrophic. Jesus said "when the wolf attack the flock and scatters it.� john 10:12. chaos compounds itself in the darkness. The picture Jesus paints in john 10 echoes the extended parable in Ezekiel 34. there God's scatter sheep, separated from their guardians, became ready meat for dessert carnivores ezek 34:8"

Am I the type of shepherd that protects? Do I protect myself or others? Am I willing to risk relationship by protecting others from what they very well may not see? I’ve come from overbearing protection and my reaction maybe to the other extreme is to not want to bother someone. I am admittedly timid. I avoid confrontation and though it is understandable I wonder if it comes from my view of God? Do I think that God is timid? Not acting, not protecting? In the dark dessert night does God hold back? The reality is as compline teaches us that the yes the night hours are the most dangerous as it is that we are in active but our God never sleeps nor slumbers, he is always at work. He is at work when we sleep. In the compounded chaos of the night when we could not watch ourselves Jesus is our good shepherd. Not a hired hand nor a thief but the good shepherd watching his flock.

29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. 31 So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears. (Act 20:29-31 NIV)

In my timidity I pray I do not scatter the flock. Like the Lord said to Joshua: be strong and courageous. Why can I? Because he watches over me.
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