Faithful Shepherd

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Faithful Shepherd

Post by fkballa65 »

DAY 36: 10/8/19
In Chapter 36, the author explains one of the critical aspects of shepherding, which is trustworthiness. What makes a successful shepherd is not so much of skills, expertise and hard work, however necessary they might be, can that shepherd be trusted with the flock? That’s what matters the most. My former leader in Youth With A Mission drilled this point deeply, “What God looks in a leader is not the competence but character. Godly character always trumps skill.
My leaders over me in YWAM saw my character and released me to lead and do things that I could never have done with my given skills and abilities. I was taught the importance of modeling servant leadership, and I saw the leaders who lead by that example of servanthood.
I remember one time while making my new year resolutions, I went to up to my leader and said, “This year I have no set goals but to serve you in whatever way I can. You can count on me whenever you need me.� That has been one of my most satisfying years of ministry. Since that time, servanthood has become my default style of leadership.
In my role as an under-shepherd of Hope Church in Sharon, I hope to remain as a servant shepherd. If Jesus modeled servant leadership, I have no other role model than to follow in His footsteps as I lead my congregation. When I am looking to handover certain things to people to do or conduct, I look for faithfulness and a willingness to serve.
For example, in one of our prayer meetings, I needed someone to lead a devotion to prayer. There were Bible scholars, well-seasoned saints, but no one volunteered to share but one young girl who just started attending our church recently. She was regular in her Sunday attendance, and faithful to participate in Mid-Week Prayer meetings. I saw her heart of servanthood; you might be guessing by now who have I assigned to share the devotion?
My prayer is that Lord, please help me never to lose sight of your model of servant shepherding. May I be quick to pick up the towel and wait on you as a servant, to receive orders from you as I proceed to serve my congregation. At the end of my time on earth, I would like to hear you say to me, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’� Matthew 25:23. I would like on my tombstone these words to be inscribed, “Good and Faithful Servant. Only by your grace Lord, and by the power of your Holy Spirit may I remain a Faithful Shepherd. Amen!
While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks: “Finding Good Help� Day 36, Pages 237-241
Francis Balla (D. Min) Student ID 163124
Rev. Francis Balla, Pastor
Hope Church Sharon
5 Harold Street, Sharon, MA 02067
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