Day 36

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Day 36

Post by glorybegod »

Day 36 - Finding Good Help. Bedouin accordingly has no textbook or curriculum to follow on how to shepherd. They said knowledge of husbandry alone is useless. What matters is the heart of being a shepherd. Also, expertise, hard work and trustworthiness are the traits they are looking for in hiring shepherd. I am reminded not to be so confident that I received seminary training and have years of experienced in ministry. These things I should not boast of thinking that I am qualified enough to do the job of shepherding. The person whom the Divine Shepherd is looking for is the one who is trustworthy, leading his people with skillful hands and with knowledge and understanding (Psalms 78:72). This brings into remembrance the mistakes and failures I experience for being carefree and not vigilant. Whether in keeping up with my daily spiritual discipline, especially quiet time and meditating on the word of God. How many times I rely on resources on line which became my main source or instant help instead of coming into the Lord, wait and meet Him in Holies of Holy.
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