Day 3

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Day 3

Post by otntjesus »

In Day 3 “Called to Care�, two statements that quite touched me. “Jamie, this is my plan for your life: to rescue my lost sheep, one at a time� and “To get dirty helping the people Jesus came to recover.� In the first statement, it seems to be speaking to me. When I received my call to serve God full-time, God was speaking to me that He wanted me to rescue His lost sheep for the rest of my life and one at a time. This has become a reality. Presently, I am in the mission field evangelizing to the unreached, but not to a mass evangelism. I am sharing the Gospel to one family at time. My wife and I did a lot of visitations but one family every day. As for the second statement, since Jesus came to save the lost and not to be served but to serve, I must not only evangelize but to serve the people with a compassionate hand and heart so that they are really cared for and see Jesus in me.
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