"Am I loyal to my Master?"

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"Am I loyal to my Master?"

Post by LowerEastSide »

In my devotional today, my thoughts lingered on the word. "Pray."
Tim Laniak told a story that his dean of students began her daily work by praying regularly through the school's student directory. Sha asked the Lord to show her who need spiritual protection through prayer and who needed personal intervention. This story is very encouraging and inspiring!

When I was in seminary, one of my Old Testament professors practices this kind of prayer. It was always a pleasure and tenderness moment talking to him. He had a caring and prayerful spirit that touched the hearts of his students. In my pastoral practice, God often reminds me to pray for the flocks. I would go to my phone; I would thumb down the contact list and pray for people. Sometimes, I would WhatsApp them asking for prayer request. I am always encouraged when they replied and shared with me their struggle and prayer item.

Often time, I asked myself these questions, "Am I a responsible gatekeeper?" "Am I loyal to my Master?" and "Am I a spiritual gatekeeper who spends time in a relationship with God and carefully listens for sounds of treachery?" (p.142). As Tim Laniak asked, "How might we better secure the "pens" where our flocks come each day? Do we as leaders physically present more often so that the flock can better discern the voices of strangers?" Sometime I can but most of time I seek to accomplish this through praying for them.

I need to pray more often for the church's spiritual walk with Christ. My prayer is not just an "agenda-driven intercession, but open-ended listening prayer" (p.142). To me, caring for the flock is an enormous responsibility and a significant challenge, and it takes work and courage. I am confident and comfort that the ultimate safety of my flocks lies with the Chief Shepherd! I trust that the Holy Spirit will enable me to carry out my spiritual gatekeeper's role so that I can adequately protect, provide, and guide those who God called me to care for. Heavenly Father, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
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