Chief Shepherd watches over me!

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Chief Shepherd watches over me!

Post by LowerEastSide »

"Sheep don't have sharp teeth or claws. Their eyesight is limited to between ten and fifteen yards. The animal's only natural defense is their instinct to huddle or "flock" together. The only reliable source of security comes from the shepherd's presence. A flock cannot be left alone!" (p.109) The more I learned from Laniak's description of the characters a good shepherd consists of, the more I appreciate that our LORD Jesus Christ is indeed the Good Shepherd. He was tender toward his flocks and a fierce protector of his homeland. In John 10, Jesus lays down his life down for his flocks. He speaks up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Jesus takes the risk and ultimately sacrificed His life for his flocks.

As a pastor, I am learning how to be a good shepherd to the flocks God called me to shepherd every day. I know that apart from Him I can do nothing. I admitted that often time I left them alone in the field because of my weakness and fearfulness to make a sacrifice. However, after reading this book, I have the comfort of God because He promises to watch over me. He is my good shepherd and He indeed is the Chief Shepherd. He feeds and protects me. I can go to Him for advice, support, wisdom, and healing. I can come and sit at His feet to confess my sin and ask for forgiveness. My shepherd cares for me and listens to me. He does not judge me. Jesus loves me just the way He loves his disciples in the Gospel of John.

As I learn to shepherd my flocks, I ask God to help me walk a delicate balance of watching over them but never being overbearing nor overpowering them. I understand that the shepherd's calling is not easy, but the truth is that the Chief Shepherd watches over me. I am so thankful that He would never forsake me nor leave me alone in the wilderness. All because Jesus is the Good Shepherd. And He asks me to do the same.
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