Authority loaned

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Authority loaned

Post by mzobec »

I do not want to forget I am working for someone else.
May my „whistle“ be a blessing to my people.
Needed: The authority to serve.
I do not want to choose the shortcut for a quick result.
May the narrow gate of love and mercy always be my chosen track.
Needed: Patience.
I do not want to be so overworked that I lash out to others.
May all my directives and all my strength come from the Source Everlasting.
Needed: Peace.
I do not want to infect my flock with my own sickness.
May I always turn to my Shepherd-Healer for vaccines and cure.
Needed: Healing.
I do not want my generosity to be limited by the size of my bank account.
May I always be generous because nothing that I have belongs to me.
Needed: Compassion.
I do not want to lead with sarcasm and cynicism.
May my words and deeds be positive, forthcoming, encouraging and hopeful.
Needed: Confidence.
I do not want to strike my sheep because I did not create them.
May I view myself as someone who has been entrusted with worthy images of the living God.
Needed: Humility.
I will not abuse my flock like a slave owner. Period.
May I never neglect my flock to the point, that nutrition of any kind is not welcome anymore.
Needed: Wisdom.
I will start with my family as a prerequisite for leadership.
May I be a husband and father who reflects the father in the the Prodigal.
Needed: Priorities.
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