To both follow AND guide

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To both follow AND guide

Post by nschatz »

“We are both shepherds and sheep.� (198)

The shepherd-sheep analogy of walking with God and God’s people reinforces a grander theme in scripture: the theme of modeling. Paul states this theme explicitly in 1 Corinthians 11:1 when he writes “Imitate me just as I imitate Christ.�

As Christian leaders, we take on the role of shepherd while simultaneously maintaining our role as sheep. In fact, we cannot shepherd well unless we are good sheep. We both follow and guide. We both obey and instruct. We both submit and guide. We both graze and feed. Yet the former must precede the latter; we must be good sheep before we can be good shepherds.

What strikes me as this analogy unfolds is that Jesus is the same. He is both the Lamb of God and the Good Shepherd. He followed the will of his Father and then revealed his will to us. Following along with this theme of modeling is a perfect example of how to be both a shepherd and a sheep.
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