The Staff

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The Staff

Post by rortiz »

This chapter was especially meaningful to me. The staff becomes like extension of the shepherd’s arms. The staff is a basic shepherd’s tool that facilitates the shepherd task and accomplishment of the mission. Without the staff, the shepherd’s effectiveness is greatly reduced, and many tasks would become nearly impossible to achieve.

To me it was precious to see by first time the logical connection between the shepherd’s staff, and the staff in an organization. The “helpers� or staff helps the leader to reach the goal and achieve the mission. No leader can exist without staff. The most valuable asset in an organization is the human element, its people. The leaders need empowered helpers, or “staff� in order “to be in touch� and facilitate the accomplishment of the mission. As a leader, the shepherd needs to delegate functions, and entrust the staff with the necessary authority to accomplish the functions. In this context, I think Dr. Laniak’s motto is essential: “Trust and verify.� As a pastor, “my staff� enables me to do ministry and “stay in touch.�
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