Day 3 - Called to Care

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Day 3 - Called to Care

Post by JAB-CKC »

Day 3 – Call to Care

When our sheep goes astray as a shepherd it is our responsibility to go after each one. Wow! I think about the ministry that I am in and how I need other shepherds standing beside me to aid in this endeavor. When one gets caught in the muddy embankment of life, will I learn how to reach down and grab him out. Will I learn as a Sheppard to help wash him off and let him know that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus; to pick himself/herself up and keep running this race. Or will I leave him to fend for himself as I have in the past? Lord, I don’t want to do that anymore and suffer the consequences on my shoulder. I want to learn to look for the lost sheep and offer him/her the guidance he needs; whether it is getting some type counseling, helping the woman who is being abused, or any other needs that the sheep may have. I have learned that shepherding is not a pretty or easy job because I will have to climb in the mud with people; I have to get right up and close!
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