The Wilderness

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The Wilderness

Post by ckcbrian »

Reading this chapter made me imagine being born or created by Almighty God as a shepherd boy. I imagine being in Arabic culture in the desert region without the luxury and comfort-ability of this current modern and tech world. It also brought back my personal experiences in the past and during my entire life time of depending on Almighty God through life struggles and my personal trials and tribulations. I have derived at the conclusion that in today's American society we are ungrateful and not thankful enough with the many blessings that the Almighty God has bestowed on this continent. I have never travel abroad into other cultures or foreign lands but I have met and experience the gratification of other race of people who did not have some of the vital necessities nor the everyday luxuries, pleasures, and comfort that in today's society are taken for granted. Even with myself, I have to stop and reflect on the many blessings that the Almighty God has given me. I also have come to the realization that even in my worst days of the trials and tribulations that I have faced and endured, I must not complain or keep it at a minimum at best. As I continue to read, I pray that the journey draw me nearer to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And that His will be done in my life daily.
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