What is in the name?

Khay See
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:19 pm

What is in the name?

Post by Khay See »

The title “Shepherd� connotes a protector, a provider and a caregiver. A very lofty goal. An audacious definition. It does not seem to be for the faint of heart. I reckon with what it means that there must be some certainty of bravery or courage. Ancient shepherds seemed to know what work was cut out for them. Not to mention the danger of putting themselves in the field. Fighting with bears and wolves surely is not for the weak and feeble. Not only must they have courage, they too must have the heart to care. A characteristic of a gentle heart, yet physically strong. It does not seem it was for everyone. Given what shepherd symbolizes and the danger of being one, would the ancient leaders have any qualms of becoming one? Moses had. Jeremiah had. I know I have. So, to be a true shepherd, is it a call to be one or is it simply one wanting to be one? It is a call. The first three kings of Israel were called to be one. Prophets were called to be one. Is that still true today? Do modern shepherds need to be called to become one? I reckon the answer is yes. But there are so many in our contemporary world today, it is a challenge to decipher one. A lot look like Moses in his first forty years and not many look like him in his last forty years of his life. It must be something that happened during his middle forty years that made him a strong and meek leader to the newly formed nation. Maybe there was more to it than what we thought happened in the burning bush. Maybe it is more than a call. Maybe it is a change of heart for Moses. Not just a mere change, but a heart prepared to be a shepherd! A shepherd that the Israelite had sorely missed.

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