among the sheep

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among the sheep

Post by chdanrice »

The very end of this chapter tells of one senior pastor wanting his subordinate pastors to be out of their offices and among the sheep. This is what we call a ministry of presence. It is something I have enjoyed doing over the years and it is something I have always found challenging. Part of the challenge, perhaps the greatest part for me now, is simply making time to get out of the office. As I manage other chaplains now and work at a higher level of staff, I find myself tied down more to my email and computer in order to coordinate and work out issues and address concerns. I don't see soldiers as much as I would like and when I get out of my office to see other staff members it is usually for a purpose and to ask them something or to work together on a project...not usually just to know them better.

How can I do that today? It seems now I am barely keeping my head above the waters of work each day. I run from issue to issue and from meeting to event. I am good at leaving on time in order to be home at roughly the same time each night. I make that sacrifice and see other staff officers who don't who get more done. I know what I am doing is right and yet I feel the constant stress of barely completing tasks in time to avoid conflicts and deadlines and consequences.

Lord help me. I need to spend more time with the sheep. Nudge me out of the office.
Dan Rice, US Army, Chaplain
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