He Must Increase

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He Must Increase

Post by corinthpastorbob »

I remember where I was sitting the first time I read John 3:22-30. Or at least the first time the impact of what I was reading hit me. Every good Baptist (which I was at the time) can tell you all about John 3:1-21. But I was reading John's gospel as a college freshman, sitting on my dorm room bed when the rest of the chapter came alive for me.

John the Baptist's disciples were in a tizzy: "Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan - the one you testified about - well, he is baptizing, and everyone is going to him."

John answered, "A man can receive only what is given him from heaven." That's a great line in and of itself. He then goes on to speak of himself as the bridegroom's friend, whose only purpose all along was to point to the bridegroom.

Then comes the punch line: "He must increase; I must decrease."

John had moved to the back of the flock, and he was OK with that.

I realize, having crossed 50, that I have fewer years ahead of me than behind me in active ministry. The world is changing. We have at our church a dynamic, young, postmodern pastor who leads a contemporary worship service that draws a lot of new people who would never darken the door of our traditional services. We still have a strong base in the traditional services, and this church still needs my experience and my leadership. But I'm more aware than anyone that times change and that "a man can receive only what is given him from heaven." It's OK to lead from behind.
Bob Thompson
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