The Battle Against Complacency

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Matthew Blanchard
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:13 pm

The Battle Against Complacency

Post by Matthew Blanchard »

"Spring up, O well!" -- Numbers 21:17. According to Max DePree, the interception of entropy is the idea that everything deteriorates over time and that we must battle against entropy. Another way I see it is complacency seeping into my life. Father God, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, may living water forever flow.
Do I refresh others through my words, my actions? Is the well springing up? I recently found a new job after being unemployed for several months. With this new job I am not around my wife and boys as much. When I came home the other night, I could feel the "rust" gathering on me as I worked with Jessica (my wife) to get the boys ready for bed. I was tired, not feeling well, and felt out of sync. It felt like I was going through the motions with my family. I miss being a stay-at-home dad where I felt a stronger connection to my family. During that time I felt like I was refreshing them. Father God hear me, crush complacency in my life, as servant, husband, father, friend, brother, son, cousin, grandson, employee -- whatever my title!
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