Living for my real home

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Living for my real home

Post by RonJulian »

The image of the life of the faithful in Hebrews 11 as a pilgrim, one awaiting the fulfillment of God's promises in their life beyond this earth

I struggle with this idea - heaven as my real home. There seems to be so much that is real about life on earth. There seems to be permanence that can be found here. And yet as we lose a friend or loved one to death, we are reminded in a very real way that life here on earth does end.

As a leader, today's reading makes clear, that forgetting that my true home is in heaven, can eternally impact those I lead; it can keep me from "the ultimate goal to get them all home" (p. 265).

Lord, help me live and lead in the reality that heaven is my real home. Help me to identify myself as only a temporary resident here on earth, one who lives now only in a tent. Amen.
Ron Julian
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