Good rules

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Good rules

Post by RonJulian »

We like rules. This morning, along with today's reading "Righteous Ruts," I read Ephesians 3 and Galatians 3. I am reminded in today's reading of the importance of good processes, policies, procedures, and protocols for the people of God. I am also reminded in Galatians of the temptation to understand that our salvation comes through the keeping of rules.

My desire in my life and as I work with church leaders in Congo is to encourage us to develop good rules that help us understand God's grace in our lives and lead us in the right path so we do not just march over a cliff following the tails of those in front of us.

May I continue to practice and help others to practice "habits of the heart" that will help us to honestly interact with God's Word and his voice in prayer, and with our brothers and sisters in the church.

Jesus, thank you for the righteous ruts that you lead us in; may I and those with whom I serve faithfully follow you in these paths.
Ron Julian
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