Isn’t it true “Leading is breeding?�

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Isn’t it true “Leading is breeding?�

Post by jjyi412 »

Creation mandate is “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.�(Genesis 1:28) Great Commission is “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.� (Matthew 28:19) Great Commission echo Creation mandate. In the herd reproduction is important. I understand why shepherds are proud of the males because most young male lambs were sold off but only ten percent of male were kept for studs. The ninety percent female were kept for breeding. To shepherds they have 100 percent reproduction goal in a year.

I think about how to grow church. I believe that growth of church is designed by God as if a baby is healthy, that baby naturally grows up physically. Depending on whether church has the plan of growth,there are quiet different results.

Each local church needs reproduction plan for church growth as a shepherd are interested in reproduction. As a shepherd attempts to double the herd size annually, we need to double the herd size out of unbelievers even not annually.

Jesus gave us metaphor the relationship between Jesus and us as of bride and bridegroom. When a couple married, they expect to have a baby.

As a shepherd wants all of ewe to bear twins at two breeding seasons each year, I have dream to bear twins for churches. We, believers, must be pregnant about unbelievers. Of course, twin pregnant is better.

Methodology is always matter finally. What and how come together. I saw many churches growing in NYC and its vicinity. Analyzing growing churches, first of all, sermon is alive with the living Word of God and secondly church are well prepared and equipped with reaching out programs.

These are after school, social education programs such as English class, hobby development class, senior class and sport clubs, etc. These are good tool to hook the fish. It is one of bait. This is our calling to be a fishier of man. Our reproduction must be came and blessed from God.

“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.� “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.� Isn’t it true “Leading is breeding�?
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