The Inner Wolf

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The Inner Wolf

Post by Revjeff »

Some of you will become the enemy. You will take the flock away from the very Owner who hired you.

How sobering it is to be reminded that the good intentions I had when beginning ministry 18 years ago, can quickly become false. I know that I am more cynical, more tired, tempted to lose my nerve in speaking a truth that is hard to hear. I am more concerned with finances and "fair" compensation. It is easy for me to put a program ahead of the people for my gain in "successful" ministry. I need acountability to see this inner wolf. This devotional provides the initial reminder for self examination along these issues, but I need to take a continuing look at my integrity in ministry. For me, this will work best in the form of spiritual direction with an experienced pastor or priest - someone attuned to the creep of the world, the flesh, and devil in the heart of an undershepherd. I have accountability from some other men in my life for being honest and faithful to my family, but this is a different layer. I am grateful for the challenge.

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