Being ready

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Being ready

Post by RonJulian »

These past three days of reading - the wolves in sheep's clothing, the roaring devil, and the heavenly Lion of Judah - have been good reminders to me of the dangers that face the church and of my responsibilities as a leader and a shepherd of God's flock.

I want to be a shepherd that attentively keeps watch for the wolves and the lion, that stands in the gap for my sheep. Yet I know that I am often not this diligent or I am afraid. I can be distracted by my own concerns and the tasks I need to get done. I can be afraid of the personal cost of a fight or question whether this is really a wolf or not.

Lord, give me observant eyes and attentive ears to know when the wolf is approaching or among the flock; give me courage to confront him. Remind me of my need to wear my spiritual armor in order to stand firm against the roaring devil. Help me to understand when you are angry with your people, my flock, because of their sin, and be ready to recklessly intercede for them. Give me the heart of a shepherd, love for my flock, that causes me to be ready to protect the sheep you have given to me at all costs. Amen.
Ron Julian
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