Feeding in the Famine

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Feeding in the Famine

Post by Revjeff »

"There is a famine of God's Word in our time."

There are so many words. There is an abundance of words that only offer malnutrition that bloats the stomach, but offers little sustenance. So many words spoken, so many words written in ministry that offer so little nourishment. Words for promoting a new ministry, communicating details of an upcoming event, talking about new ways to be and do church and mission, preaching our own novel ideas and agendas, but in the end what lasting value do they have?

Speak your Eternal Word, Everlasting Father ... into my heart and mind; feed my soul so that I might feed your people the morsel you have just for them.

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Joined: Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:01 pm

Do we have an abundance of spritual food?

Post by gyujin »

I was captured by the term "famine," which represents something lacking very seriously during a certain time and location. I definitely agree with Rev Jeff because we have a lot of words, a plenty of sermons, and even a lot of service by enormous chances of preaching in church. However, we are still feeling that we are hungry. Many sheep, many believers says, "we are not satisfied."
What is it a problem with?

In my point, we, shepherds, prepared spritual food for sheep, but we must not overlook the fact that our sheep, our people, are feeding huge amount of secular and liberal food, which might be dangerous to our sheep. So, we need to be more faithful and hospitalble for our calling to feed them.

It is important for us to know what kind of nutrient or food our sheep must eat during the period of famine. How do we feed them with abundant amount of nutrient and food? It is simple for us to feed with continuation and patience.
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