A Long Way from Home

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A Long Way from Home

Post by peterlim23 »

Living in a suburb of America it is easy for me to forget that this world is not my home. I live in a very nice townhouse in an affluent suburb of Atlanta. I have 2 cars, one of which is a new SUV. I have two Apple computers and a HDTV at home. My closet is stocked with nice clothes and so are my children's closets. Living in this context I easily forget that this is not my real home. The sad truth is that I only compare my townhouse to my friend's 4 bedroom, 3500 square foot house. Instead of being grateful I covet faster and more luxurious cars. I invest my life and live my life as though this physical house that I live in is my final home.

Equally sad is that I get caught up in growing my flock. Though I may verbally say that its all about making disciples, if I'm truthful, too often in my ministry it is about growing the size of the flock. Ministry often times has been taken over by the goal of church growth and a new building project.

I must confess, I as the leader of my community have taken my eyes off the author and perfecter of our faith. Instead I am looking at this world as my home. How sad and how tragic!

As the leader of my flock I must keep my eyes on the ultimate destination, our home in heaven. "The ultimate goal is to get them all home." I must model this and I must remember this! As I read this final day, part of me wished that we all lived in tents here in America. Having our 2-car garage, white picket fenced home has taken our eyes off of our real home. Through this 40 day journey, I am reminded that my primary role as the leader is to bring the flock home, to our real heavenly home.
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