Leader's Intuition

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Leader's Intuition

Post by peterlim23 »

Intuition is one of my greatest strengths but it is also one my greatest dangers. I don't know how much merit to place on the Myers Briggs personality inventory but I swept clean the Intuitive category. I scored 0 in the sensing and 20 in the intuition. More importantly, my life experience has certainly verified this.

This is a powerful tool in leadership. There have been numerous occasions where because of my intuition I saw something before it actualized. Equally because of my intuition there have been multiple occasions where I was able to sidestep trouble before it materialized. I am truly thankful for this gift of intuition that God has given me.

Why then do I say that it is my greatest danger? I rely way too much on it. Instead of turning to "The Shepherd" for clarity and guidance I simply trust in my intuition. It is ironic in that my intuition should clearly guide me back to God but instead I become much too reliant on it and in so doing become self-reliant. If however, I am a self-reliant shepherd who does not submit to the leadership of "The Shepherd" I am going to lead my flock into harm.

I need to be mindful that my intuition is a powerful tool for leadership but it must always be seen in light of the leadership of "The Shepherd."
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