What is going on?

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What is going on?

Post by casetech »

Are we sensitive to what is going on in our church. Do we have an ear to her, eyes to see, a nose to smell, a hand held out, and a mouth open to speak truth? In the ever changing environment of the church are we shepherds after OUR church's heart. The good shepherd knows his sheep and his sheep know Him. If there is a change that needs to take place in order for the flock to be moving in a better direction are we willing to adapt. Often times it is the shepherd NOT being sensitive to the changing environment that cause the flock to get hurt or harmed. As we grow as shepherds we must make time to be with the flock. A shepherd that doesn't spend time with his flock doesn't know His flock ad won't see the changes that the flock may need to survive and thrive in the wilderness of the world.
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