Short Cuts!?!?

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Dave Hampson
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Short Cuts!?!?

Post by Dave Hampson »

I remember as a child, watching the movie “The Ten Commandments� with my parents and afterward asking my mother why Moses was not allowed into the Promise Land. She did not really know and just gave the standard answer that he got angry and in the process did not honor God. I am grateful to finally understand the truth behind what happened to Moses. It really brings to light the importance of listening carefully to what God is saying and obeying His word. Truly God is a jealous God and will not share His glory with another.

This story of Moses taking a short cut instead of trusting God and honoring Him, reminded me of the temptations that satan presented to Jesus in Matthew 4. Each one of them was really a temptation for Jesus to take a short cut to accomplish what God had given Him to do. Of course Jesus resisted and in the end He honored God the Father with His obedience which ultimately led Him all the way to the cross.

I am sad to say that I have not always resisted the temptation to take short cuts in ministry. Instead of waiting upon God for a word from Him, I have struggled and agonized and forced a sermon into existence. Instead of seeking and waiting for God’s wisdom so that I could share a word in season to a person in need, I have often dug into my earthly knowledge and shared something that worked last time. Instead of spending time pursing God for a fresh word in devotions or through fasting, I have all to frequently relied on day old manna. In the process I have taken God’s glory and not honored Him as the source of all truth.

What a blessing (and a relief) that our obedience is not the key to getting us into the promise land. Thankfully Jesus made a way for us to enter in spite of our short cuts and our short comings. May we never take that for granted and may we live our lives in a way that God is honored as holy in all that we say and do. And may we never forget that while short cuts are good in driving, they are never a good road to follow in seeking to live a life that results in the best that God’s kingdom has to offer.
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