What's in a Name?

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Dave Hampson
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Joined: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:14 am
Location: Fort Worth, Tx

What's in a Name?

Post by Dave Hampson »

Eight months ago I left the ministry of being a pastor in a mid-sized church in a small community to follow the Lord into a new season of life. My family and I traveled across the United States in an RV and then we settled down and purchased a home in the Fort Worth, TX area where we have been attending a large church. In less than a year I went from being a well known leader in a church and a community where my name was known by many, to being a person unknown by almost everyone I encounter. I am now one among many and my name means little to anyone. At least that is what the enemy has tried to make me think. He has sought (at times successfully) to fill me with thoughts that no one knows my name and no one cares - even God. After all how could God keep everyone straight in this world with billions of people? How could God really care and have a plan for everyone? Certainly people get lost all the time and only those who are really important are able to stand out and be noticed.

We all know in our minds that those are lying thoughts, but they still have a way of penetrating our hearts when we are the most lonely and feeling forgotten. But God also speaks and recently through this book, He has spoken to me a word that I believe is for all of us. In this chapter the author wrote about how intimately a shepherd knows his sheep. I was especially drawn to his description of the shepherd named Nasir who had 51 animals who were mothers (42 sheep and 9 goats). He kept them separate from the lambs until they were allowed to nurse. In the midst of the mothers “baaing� and the lambs crying, we were told that the shepherd was able to join each together with the other, even in the dark. He would call out their names and “He would recognize each mother and baby by the feel with his eyes shut. All were black but by feeling heads and backs he knew by touch which was which.�

It is out of this cultural context that we are told by Jesus in John 10 that He as the good shepherd knows US. He knows our names and the details of our lives, even in the dark times of life. As I was reflecting upon this, I was reminded that this is really the message of the Church. That is that God has not forgotten anyone. No forgotten senior citizen, no lonely divorced or single adult, no unwanted or unloved child here or around the world is beyond His grace and love. He knows each person’s name and the joys and struggles of their heart. Blessed be the name of the Lord!!!
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