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Albert Downing
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:00 am


Post by Albert Downing »

Immanuel, meaning "God is with us."
Leadership By Walking Around (LBWA).
In the Army Chaplaincy we use the term Ministry of Presence (MOS). It means you provide a type of minsitry to your soldier and command just by being there among them. You don't have to preach a sermon, just be there, listen to them and pat them on the backor put you hand on their shoulder and encourage them. It's you're presence that can make the difference.

When I would go on convoys with the soldiers in Iraq they would say, "I know we're going to be alright, because the chaplain is with us." We're not God, but the soldiers want to know their chaplain is with them and willing to go with on mission with them. There were times when I would just walk around our area and soldiers would come and talk. The Ministry of Presence is not idle, but active and leading and engaging. It's being out and about.

We call it Ministry of Presence, because we're chaplains and by our very presence we provide ministry.
A. L. Downing
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