River Runs Through

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River Runs Through

Post by peterlim23 »

I recall hiking at Yosemite National Park as a young boy with my family. I don’t remember too much about the actual hike. I’m sure it wasn’t very long but what I do remember is that I was hot, sweaty and most importantly thirsty. I did bring water along in a canteen for the hike. As the hike progressed and the thirstier I got, the water in the canteen became warmer and as a result it began to taste worse. Every gulp that was supposed to quench my thirst left me with this awful warm plastic taste that would not leave my mouth.

What I do remember vividly about the hike is that when we got to the final destination there was an ice-cold river that flowed. My father told me that I could drink from this river. He didn’t have to tell me twice. I immediately knelt down, cupped my hands and took a gulp of water. I know that this is strange to say because water is not supposed to have flavor but to this day, I have never ever tasted sweeter water than the ice-cold water from the river.

There is a line in Day 4 that captured my heart. It reads, “Our own quenched thirst is the most sustaining source of strength for serving others.� I must confess, too often when I lead, I am hot, sweaty and thirsty. I am leading from a posture of thirst. I know by doing so I am not being an effective shepherd, perhaps even a shepherd that can potentially bring harm on the flock. This entry reminds me and challenges me that I need to be quenched if I want to be an effective shepherd for my flock. Spiritual water that is ice-cold and sweet like the river I encountered at Yosemite lay in God’s Word. I must quench myself daily with this sweet spiritual water if I want to be an effective shepherd leading my flock.
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