What does this oxymoron mean?

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What does this oxymoron mean?

Post by hrhedrick »

How can something be both living and sacrificed at the same time? Often I have read the passage in Romans 12:1-2, which speaks of us presenting ourselves as living sacrifices, but never had I envisioned the totality of it until reading Day 24. This numbing experience has me asking myself, am I a living sacrifice? Am I dead and alive at the same time? This can only happen when we are dead to this world and living for the next one. However, we can never achieve it in its totality. I think it’s another example of the tension in which we must live - the already but not yet. Paul explains it best when he says in 1 Cor. 15:31, I die daily. This is the transformation he is speaking about in Rom. 12:1-2, it is a process; although the life of the sheep in Day 24 happened in a short period of time, it still required a process and the initial step was submission. One could argue that the sheep was clueless and helpless as to what lay ahead; therefore, it did not really submit; but we are no different. We are clueless and helpless for what lies ahead in our lives as well; it’s just that we have free will to resist. However, our willingness to submit is what makes this even more dramatic because we understand the outcome. What is even more humbling though is realizing how well our Lord and Savior understood the process. He had the will and the power to resist but out of his love for us became an oxymoron for me.
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