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Post by revalanc »

I had a particularly troubling conversation with a parishioner several weeks ago that would go well under this heading.

She was a young single mom that had been really growing in her faith and sang in one of our worship bands for a while. She was about to start leading a divorce recovery class in the not too distant future. I was impressed with her desire to help those who were going through divorce.

She showed up one day with a concern that a former band member had had a judgment about her. The judgment involved her "dating life" she was upset that the person would have said anything to other band member.

I found out that her "dating life" was not in line with biblical standards. I told her for that reason I could not allow her to teach a divorce recovery class. She could not under stand why there was a conflict. Why would God allow her to go through the trauma of divorce and then punish her by not allow her to have a physical relationship with some one.

The conversation went in several other directions, but I regret that I was not able to get through to her. I have not seen her in worship since.

My heart breaks for people who are lost like this. I wonder if I need to do some very pointed teaching about sexual ethics. Some people can be lost in our own churches.
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
[Php 2:13 NLT]
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Yes! We Need the "Sex Stuff!"

Post by gcts\mmccrum »

Hey Alan, I agree with you that there is a real need to address our people in the pews about sex ethics! Sex (even in the church) is so misunderstood on the one hand an out of control on the other. I recently finished an MDiv course on Marriage Counseling and put together a program for the church that helps restore marriages that are suffering from sexual addictions. I would be happy to share the program with you when we're together the end of the month at our residency in Charlotte. It's just one small piece to the puzzle on how to help our sheep understand why we are lost and gone astray. We as shepherd/leaders need to take the initiative and go after those who are misled, wouldn't you agree?...I so value you and our friendship!
Mike McCrum
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