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Post by galtpastor »

The opening reflection and question, “Do we really want to know the extent of the needs?� Honestly, in this season (w/Pam’s grandmother), I have not been able to look too far below the surface of the sheep in my flock. My priority has been to focus on my family’s needs.

The Hebrew notion of restoration as returning to God’s ideal…reminds me of the need my wife and I have to get away once a mother for a day or two. We provide care for her 98 year old grandmother who in recent months is failing rapidly. Besides working fulltime, Pam’s off hours are then spent in providing care. It is amazing to see the change that takes place in her after our respite together.

God both renews us individually but also our relationship with each other. I only wish it could be long enough to result in her “cup overflowing�. However, God has been faithful and continues to restore and lighten the burden.
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