Standing at a Distance

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Standing at a Distance

Post by galtpastor »

Two thoughts are raised for me today. First, the shepherds need to touch the sheep to be checked individually for signs of illness, wounds or weight loss. Second, is truth that health issues of a single member are health issues for a whole flock.

I can’t help but wonder whether the tension between individual touch and flock protection can provide a easy excuse to not address issues that can quickly become outbreaks destructive to sheep, flock, and shepherd.

After a rather nasty conflict several years ago, I found myself avoiding the “shepherd’s touch� in an effort to avoid any potential future conflicts. It was interesting, my logic was personal, but I justified it as protection of the flock.

It took several loving and care sheep to challenge detachment. I now have in place an accountability relationship to help me in this area. At times, I still find it requires a greater degree of intention than I want to give.
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