Did you have any doubts at ten feet?

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Did you have any doubts at ten feet?

Post by clein »

The question must come up with every well. Every time somebody started digging in a barren ground hoping to hit water there must come that question – do you have any doubts at ten feet?

I know I have in my ministry. I planted a church 6 years ago and it’s a lot like digging a well. You start where you get a hint of “vegetation�. Some signs that it’s the right place, that the Lord might have a harvest, that some living water might already be at work. You dig without any guarantee that you’ll hit water and along the way you get a lot of doubts. Are we doing this right? Is that you Lord? Where will the people come from? How are we going to pay the rent?

Along the way you find out that there is only one answer to every question and every doubt. It’s God. I’ve gotten better at it. Every question that comes up I look to God to be the answer. Every doubt that arises I turn it over to Him. After all I didn’t pick this spot to dig – He did. And He knows these deserts far better than I and reads the signs that I miss along the way. And He feeds my soul too.

I did have doubts at ten feet, and eleven feet and twelve feet and at two hundred feet. I think I’ll have them till I die, but still I keep digging. I know the Heavenly Shepherd and He knows where there's water.
Growing Faith that Impacts the World for Christ
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