Home, stability, sinking sand

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Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:40 am

Home, stability, sinking sand

Post by Margaret »

Home - to me that conjures up the idea of stability. We (my family) have not lived in the same house at any one period for more that four years since 1989. We've lived in three different houses since 2004 and will be moving again in another two months. 'Home' is wherever we happen to be, transient as we are. And we know our real home is in heaven. But even stability is elusive. Something always seems to happen that undermines that as well. However, I have discovered an inner core, a place that always remains firmly fixed - my place in Christ; my relationship with him. So when the world is shaken, and it will be, let's remain steadfast in him. All else is sinking sand.
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