Accountability & Humility

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Joined: Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:59 pm

Accountability & Humility

Post by Shervey »

Like many works on shepherding the people of God Laniak presents the clarion call to accountability and humility throughout this work. I was particularly impacted by his commentary on 1 Peter on page 234. There he calls church leaders to minister in a way the sheep will "embrace." This service must be replete with the same humility Christ demonstrated during his earthly ministry. Laniak particularly focuses on demonstrating humility and dedication to the marginalized and suffering members of the flock. I understand these to be those who require a great deal of time, energy, and resources but are unable to repay or replenish the people providing care. This dedication is the high calling of a shepherd leader and requires us to follow Christ's example and approach ministry with Christ's attitude (Php 2:1-8).
The sheep must "embrace" the service of their shepherd leaders in two different ways. In one sense, it must be true ministry. Those being served must truly be ministered to. Their needs must be met, their wounds healed, and they must experience loving care from their shepherd. The same care that Christ would give if physically present should be the standard. Secondly, the sheep must embrace the care of the shepherd leader by learning from him and following his example. They must see how the shepherd serves others and begin to minister in the same way. In this paradigm, sacrificial ministry to others becomes a means of meeting immediate needs and subtly guiding others to live like Christ. Our flocks should be following us as we follow Christ.
To me, this is a dynamic of leadership that is often overlooked in ministry. Like the Corinthians, many congregations desire dynamic and practical leaders. They uphold superficial measures of spiritual maturity that are often associated with church attendance, Bible knowledge, or influence. Jesus said the greatest among us would be the servant of all. The greatest will be the one who remains accountable to Christ's call to humility and sacrificially serves others.

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