Shepherds Who Need a Shepherd

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Shepherds Who Need a Shepherd

Post by Shervey »

In his discussion of Psalm 23 on pages 111 and 114 Laniak proposes that those called to lead God's sheep also need a shepherd who will lead and care for them. He builds this concept on the premise that King David authored Psalm 23 and depended on God for nurture and guidance. He states that "Like every Israelite whom he represents, the King is also a dependent subject." King David recognized this and praised God as the leader and provider. To me, this is significant on two different levels.
First, it levels the playing field between the King and his subjects. David was anointed by God as King with authority to rule a kingdom, but the kingdom did not belong to him. The Kingdom belonged to God, and David's rule depended on God. As a dependent subject, David willingly placed himself under God's leadership. Throughout his reign, David sought the Lord's guidance, praised him for his provision, and repented when he sinned. Although David was in the national spotlight he still needed God's leadership and care. He was no different than the other Israelites. In our calling as pastors, we stand on level ground with the congregation. We must unashamedly place ourselves under God's leadership in our ministry and personal lives.
Secondly, David needed God to nurture and care for him. When he claimed "the Lord is MY shepherd," he was declaring his reliance on God for "green pastures," "still waters," and restoring his soul. Psalm 23 causes us to focus on God's care with a sentimental spirit, however, we cannot overlook our need for God's care. Like King David, pastors are dependent subjects. The Christian life is challenging, ministry is challenging, and the roles we hold in our families and society are challenging. As we shepherd others, we must seek and rest in God's care.

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