Leaving space for God to get the glory

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Brent Kipfer
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:31 pm
Location: Brussels, Ontario

Leaving space for God to get the glory

Post by Brent Kipfer »

I had no idea that understanding the geology of the desert could shed so much light on the two water-out-of-rock stories in the life of Moses! I had assumed that Moses’ sin of disobedience in Numbers 20 grew out of sheer impulsiveness, frustration with his people, a quick temper or sloppiness in following the details of God’s command. Instead, it seems that he was simply doing what I am tempted to do: short-circuit the work of God by relying on my own skill, knowledge and experience.

How often am I ready to stand “naked� before the crowd, waiting for God to provide water, leaving enough space for God to get the glory when provision comes? What “tricks� do I use that keep me in the driver’s seat rather than God? Am I following in the way of Moses when I...

...engage in routine planning without really seeking the Lord’s direction or expecting him to speak?

...attempt to tie up all the loose ends of a challenging biblical text in my sermon to provide a tidy conclusion rather than inviting the Holy Spirit to work amid the uneasy questions that the Scriptures present?

...jump to fill in the empty spaces of a conversation rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to speak in the silence?

...am content with setting goals for myself (or the congregation) that I (or we) can easily fulfill on my (our) own strength?
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