Goat Girls

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Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:02 am

Goat Girls

Post by Ragamuffin »

I am a goat girl. Always have been to some degree or another, always will be more than likely. I am one of those independent thinkers that either slow group processes, shake them up or even shock them. (Sometimes I shock just for fun, I admit it. But it is great to see a little destabilization in the status quo every now and again. Good things happen when the only solid ground is God Himself.)

Of course, depending on the group's frame of reference, a goat girl is either a welcomed addition to the dynamic or a woman who just doesn't "know her place" or refuses to stay there. The latter happens as much with women only groups as it does with mixed gender groups. Sometimes it has been worse with women only - go figure!

Working internationally, many times women are not acknowledged as full heirs of God. They are very much pushed into the middle of the herd and largely ignored. However, they are definitely like those ewes and their spheres of influence are there. It is a marvelous privilege to help them see their reach and potential to lead, evenly "sheepishly." It is also amazing to watch God unlock a shepherd's heart so that he appreciates the gift of goat girls and releases them into the fullness of their calling.

I struggled for most of my Christian life to be a sheep because I was told that was what I was supposed to be. I cannot tell you what joy there was and what a release to be freed up in Christ to be different! To actually have those traits appreciated and cultivated. For all my fellow leaders out there, you have no idea what a blessing it is to be released to be "goatish." I would imagine some of the problems others have posted on this particular topic arise because you are expecting goats to be sheep. Perhaps these folks would be less problematic if they were not being boxed in and frustrated. It is just a thought.

I love being part of a team, encouraging and equipping others to be everything God has designed them to be. Goat girl or no, I cannot live without His flock nor the leading of the Shepherd.
Rese Hood
Cary, NC
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