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Post by fporter1 »

"For many predators a herders’ dogs are the biggest challenge." And this is where I get my encouragement. Yes, Jesus is the good shepherd. I am his under shepherd but also I am a sheep dog. Every time someone approached my house front door my beagle howls. She howls but also in her love for us she somehow keeps us together. There is a love that even a sheep dog can have that helps “keep the flock together.�

It was interesting that though dogs are not highly thought of in the bible, in the OT to be called a dog was an insult and by NT times dogs was the common word used to this refer to Gentiles, it was interesting that only domesticated work dogs were seen positively. The sheep dog.

"But now they mock me, men younger than I, whose fathers I would have disdained to put with my sheep dogs. (Job 30:1 NIV)

10 Israel's watchmen are blind, they all lack knowledge; they are all mute dogs, they cannot bark; they lie around and dream, they love to sleep. (Isa 56:10 NIV)

Prophets were watchmen of the house of Israel. How am I a watchmen? Barking when I sense danger or am I mute? How do I sense danger if I am not communing on a regular basis with God? False prophets are not watchmen but are asleep. Am I asleep? This book’s devotional perspective on shepherding the flock has really filled my mind with many images.

As I mentioned the good shepherd is Jesus and the gate is Jesus. I am an under shepherd but I also see how I am called to be a sheepdog. I like the veteran’s quote, "I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf."

Prophets warn and prophetic sheep dogs keep the flock together, circling, not barking too much, sincerely passionate about the unity of the flock.
Lord thank you for this work.
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