God Trains Under Shepherds For Leadership

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God Trains Under Shepherds For Leadership

Post by hyongho »

The concept of under shepherd as developed by Laniak refers to God the shepherd who by extension shares his authority with all those working for Him on earth. When Israel demanded for a king, God gave Israel Saul as king. The truth is that Saul was searching for a missing sheep which means that he was a shepherd. From shepherding the flock of his parents, Saul was being trained by God to one day become king over Israel. In the book of Jeremiah 1: 5, the Bible says: " In the womb I knew you, when you were born, I consecrated you as a prophet unto nations". This is just to prove that there were no coincidences with Saul becoming King over Israel. This is true of Moses who was trained as a shepherd of Israel while taking care of the flock on Mt. Sinai. Laniak gives him credit in p.87 of his book when he says: " Moses became an extension of the hand of God leading his people". In like manner, Laniak highlights on David doing a fantastic job in taking care of the flock as a training that prepared him for the throne of Israel: " David had learnt to fight as a shepherd in the wilderness, and with a shepherd weapon he faced Goliath"p.99. Indeed, David was a shepherd after God's heart. He was trained on how to protect the flock and to sing for God. God trains his under shepherds in the field of flocks. When they are ready, he makes them to lead the human flock.
Henry Yongho

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