Identity and Presence

Scott Vance
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:32 pm

Identity and Presence

Post by Scott Vance »

Diving presence is certainly an appropriate place to begin; YHWH’s presence, physically manifest in the glory-cloud and pillar of fire, was the means by which Israel was led. In Exodus 33 Moses makes a revealing statement to God in a moment when the destiny of the rebellious generation hangs in the balance. In his anger YHWH warns that his continued presence would be lethal for Israel. Moses protests, ‘if your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?’ (Exod. 33:15-16)
Isarel’s identity was inextricably tied to the presence of God, first demonstrated to the patriarch and then to his chosen people in the wilderness sojourn. (Timothy S. Laniak, 2006, Shepherd after My own Heart, p.79)

The last line in the quote from above is powerful as it challenges me in my leadership of the congregation that the Lord has entrusted to me in two ways.

First, I am challenged to consider the state of my own identity as being “inextricably tied to the presence of God.� In the larger picture, I would definitively state that my identity is found in Christ alone. Still, upon closer inspection, I am aware of my shadowy self and those spaces and places where I am tempted to find my identity in other things rather than in Christ. For example, this typically happens when someone compliments me on something, and it can be enticing to want their continued affirmation. Unchecked, this can lead me, the under-shepherd, away from the Good Shepherd and, in turn, can have disastrous effects on the flock.

Fortunately for me, in addition to scripture, the Lord has provided other under-shepherds, confidants, and a wonderful spouse who graciously speak the truth to me in love and by doing so helps me keep my identity firmly grounded in Christ. If I, as an under-shepherd, am not grounded in my identity in Christ, living into and living out my relationship with Him, then how can I expect to know, care for, and lead the flock that the Lord has entrusted to my care? That leads to the second challenge.

Second, I’m challenged to be concerned about the identity of the church I’m serving, that the flock’s identity is so “inextricably tied to the presence of God� that they turn to and trust in the Lord’s protection, provision, and guidance for all things. The church I serve is not large. However, it is big enough that I realize that I can’t personally undertake this responsibility alone. I know my limitations, which is why one of the best things I can do as an under-shepherd is disciple, train, and empower others for the work at hand. If I am foolish enough to try and take on this work alone, it wouldn’t be long before I find myself at the end of my resources, as the congregation's needs would be overwhelming. For the flock to flourish and find their identity in Christ, other under-shepherds (elders, deacons, and staff) must join in this work. They too, through their loving union with Christ, will help lead the flock to know, love, serve, and follow the One True Shepherd.
Pastor Scott Vance

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