Leadership means looking for the lost

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Leadership means looking for the lost

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 10
Lost and Found

Leadership means looking for the lost

“One of the essential tasks of Shepherd leadership is the arduous retrieval of those who - for whatever reason - have lost their way. Most do not even know that they are lost until it is too late. Anguish over the lost expresses itself in passionate intercession and determined action. I find this anguish too often missing in my own self-absorbed existence. It is easier to just let them go. I think, They are not interested in what I have to say anyway.”

Years ago, my own self-absorbed existence was abruptly interrupted. For a short season I was given the eyes, heart, mind, feet and mouth of Christ. I heard things in my soul that were impossible to know without the manifestation from The Spirit. God gave me the courage and boldness to test the revelation with one specific person. I asked to meet at a park where I shared my impression about a specific hidden sin, privately, gently and in love. He did not say much but he did accept an invitation to accompany me to church the following Sunday. At the end of the service, he was visibly shaken as we sang the last song before being dismissed. He sat in his seat weeping and confessed the knowledge I expressed earlier was spot on. He expressed how he had recently taken hidden and bold steps to go down a path and was heading in a direction contrary to the genuine desires of his life. The Lord arrested him in his tracks that day, redeemed him and set him on a course that later fulfilled the desires of his heart. Looking back, it is hard for me to believe that he would have ever listened to what I had to say.

Fast forwarding to current events, the manifestation I experienced in that unique season is not active at present in the same way. But I pray regularly; “Give me the mind of Christ..heart..eyes..ears..nose..hands & feet, and the mouth of Christ.” If we consider “lost sheep” today, we all have Gods word, his spirit is still active in differing ways, measures and times, and we have the counsel of our brothers and sisters. The Lord has put a number of people on my heart who I believe are wandering and lost. In their minds everything is good, but Gods word says otherwise. And as I consider the landscape of life, it is hard for me to believe that they would listen to what I have to say. With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God......... Lord, give me the mouth of Christ!

Dave Dassoulas
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