“Know well the faces of your flocks.”

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“Know well the faces of your flocks.”

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 14
Named and Known

“What kind of knowledge do we have of those in our flocks? Their names are only the beginning of their distinct identities. The people we serve cannot become for us merely “staff,” “laity,” “members,” “students,” or “the kids.” Those roles are extrinsic to each one’s primary identity. Our flocks are collections of persons - individuals with feelings, aspirations, convictions, needs, and names. They have perspective-shaping histories and unique callings. Have we fully appreciated what impacts, affects, and motivates each one? Does every individual get resourced and disciplined in a tailored way? Is each one given the right conditions to thrive? Do they follow us like we follow the Good Shepherd - because they know they are known?”

Another David in my life came to mind as I reflected on the truths of this chapter. As I was preparing to write, I called him, asked for permission to write and his help in remembering how and why he first contacted me regarding employment opportunities. The best we could muster was maybe a referral from a mutual friend at the church we attended together over five years ago. His resume included a degree in finance and was filled with decades of experience in writing software as well as other varying experience in the marketplace. When we met I shared the Hope Builders vision, mission and values with him and he responded with encouragement and passion, sending me emails of writings he had created that were aligned with ours. After a year and a half of inquiries, a position opened up in our company that I believed was an opportunity for David to leave an entry level position with a large retail company that had underutilized his education and skills. I believed he could apply his unique gifts and talents to our industry so we extended an offer of employment, he accepted and was added on to our staff. Over a period of years, anxiety accelerated and increased to become an oppressive stronghold, negatively impacting his health, relationships and occupation. It would have been easier to give up and move on, but David was named and known and the Lord impressed on us the “leave no man behind” motto of the marines, to not discard this sheep in his season of suffering and pain.

In the midst of the seemingly hopeless circumstances, God’s word and our discussions together began challenging David to stop allowing the lies of the evil one to drown out the good in his life, especially the precious treasures of his wife and children. From that point, his health deteriorated as a result of significant heart episodes that drove him to the ER, 911 calls and specialists in search of a diagnosis and stability. And David endured with patience, gratefulness and meekness for well over a year before doctors found a diagnosis and prescribed a medicine that helped, turning the corner and moving into a new season of improving health. David is thriving now because he started thriving when he had little to no ability to strive. Such a picture of when we are weak, he is strong, Gods kindness to leave the 99 to secure and bring home one lost and wandering sheep. The Good Shepherd says; “Do not be afraid, you’re never alone, never too weak, and there’s always a path.” To Christ be the glory.

Dave Dassoulas
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