Where are the still waters for us?

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Where are the still waters for us?

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 4

Streams in the Desert

How long has it been since we tasted fresh life-giving water? Our own quenched thirst is the most sustaining source of strength for serving others.

Where are the still waters for us?

I arrived home on March 18, 2020, two weeks early from a winter break. My return home was to help navigate the company “Hope Builders Inc” in the midst of a global pandemic. There was talk of a total shutdown of businesses. In my mind I played out all of the implications and impact that would have on society, the company and our family. Every scenario in my mind ended in a complete collapse. Filled with anxiety and a sense of hopelessness I could have headed into work to start helping. Instead, I sensed a need to take a walk down the country roads around our home and interact in prayer with The Good Shepherd, the Spirit and the Word. Walking into the valley of the shadow of death again, He led me to still waters, showed me green pastures and the anxiety exited my body like a snake sheds his skin. I played out a complete collapse and The Lord gave me peace with it. The Spirit reminded me; “You come into the world with nothing. You leave only with faith, hope and love. If everything collapses and all is lost you can always start over I thought; “I can do that. I’ve never been afraid of hard work. Besides, most everyone will be in the same condition. And God has always been faithful. Can I be content with food and clothing? I think so.” I concluded the walk and headed into work with a new confidence in an unsure future.

Looking back, that March 19 walk influenced a shift in the rhythms of my life. I tasted of the stream in my own desert, in the valley of the shadow of death and found it completely satisfying. I am better attached to the vine and lack nothing. In spite of the inevitable decay, confidence is at an all time high heading into the final phase of my life. I’m in good hands and the future couldn’t be any brighter. He’s got my room ready and the streets outside are paved in gold. And until that time, The Good Shepherd has poured out his Spirit in us and into this world. There’s unlimited power and that’s on top of having Gods word at our disposal. Lord, refresh us again. My hope is in you and you alone. Renew my strength that I might soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint. Help me to go up the mountain to hear and see the panorama of Gods activity and then join it. Carpe Diem! Happy New Year.

Dave Dassoulas
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