Invitation to Engage

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Invitation to Engage

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »


As an Entrepreneur, the Lord has given me a flock of approximately 50 men and 10 women to Shepherd. With pen and paper, I journaled my way through this book about 5 1/2 years ago during a very tumultuous time. At that time, I wandered in the desert of a leadership and relational crisis that impacted my immediate family, extended family, company staff and local community of relationships. The insights I obtained in this book were invaluable for clarity, direction, and inspiration.

And now I stand at the precipice of passing the baton of leadership to the next generation of a company I cofounded, led and stewarded for the past 27 years. I’m excited about going through the book again and journaling this new season in “The Tent.” I plan on using this book and journey in conjunction with my pre-established biweekly mentoring and Big Rock meeting with my dear friend and successor.

For anyone who is still involved in or revisits The Tent: Forum for While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks, I invite all questions and comments on each of the posts I share.

For those who walked this journey in years past, I recommend another trip through this compelling book based on your updated experience, current posture and circumstances. You’re welcome to join me and parallel my 80 week journey and adventure in this current season. Carpe Diem!

Dave Dassoulas
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