Telling Terminology

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Telling Terminology

Post by jcross »

Respect for each other in the Body is an important concept for honoring the Lord and loving His sheep. Recently I had a conversation in a leadership team meeting concerning an evaluation form I was to fill out. My job was to have 6 of my direct reports complete the evaluation of my job performance. I raised my hand in the meeting and asked if there was another term we could use instead of "direct reports" (a common business term). I suggested that we could use "team member" in it's place. My comment was met with opposition and even seen as a threatening challenge. The people I work with on my team are not objects filling a role and doing a job. They are people I am called to care for, honor and serve. We are on the same team. The same ministry team and the same team of God's kingdom builders. I won't call someone, "the intern" or the "rookie" or my "direct report". God doesn't. They are prized and valued regardless of where they fit on the business meets ministry pecking order.
Jody Cross
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Post by shepherdleader »

Amen! That sounds like a biblical perspective crashing in on "business as usual." Thanks for sharing that.
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